Company or Organization

Your company can donate to give children and youths from the Paraisópolis community access to quality education.

To learn more about the ways you can make a donation, click the options below and support our programs now!

Doação pessoa jurídica

Become a Partner

Your company can donate via bank transfer for a one-time donation or on a recurring monthly basis. For legal reasons, please email us with your full name, corporate taxpayer ID number, along with a copy of the deposit slip

Income Tax

If your company declares its Annual Tax Income under the ‘Taxable Profit’ format in Brazil, it can allocate up to 1% of the tax due as a donation to Pró-Saber SP through the State Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (CONDECA). To learn more about this tax benefit, contact us by phone (11) 37393435 or email at

Corporate partnership

Your company can become a partner by acquiring sponsorship units of our Social Projects and events, or by sponsoring the purchase or maintenance of our headquarters’ equipment and infrastructure. Contact us to schedule a meeting!

Corporate Volunteering

How about partnering for a Corporate Volunteering program with Pró-Saber SP and your company? Email us at with some information about your company, including the number of employees and a brief explanation of what you are looking for with this program.