Transparency is one of Pró-Saber SP’s most important values. Therefore, we are happy to share our stories with you, including our impact numbers, reports containing all activities carried out throughout the year, as well as our financial accounts, which are now audited by Ernst & Young.
Slide to download our annual reports.
Click on each year to download.
Click on each year to download.
Rua Manoel Antônio Pinto, 974
Paraisópolis, São Paulo, SP
CEP 05663-020
We measure our impact by conducting individual assessment interviews and by monitoring indicators such as: literacy rate; student attendance; family attendance to monthly meetings; number of books checked out from the library; number of registered readers.
We had a goal to impact 50% of children aged 4 to 8 years in Paraisópolis by 2021. With that in mind, we’ve been working as in an ecosystem to democratize children and youth’s daily access to quality education, by creating and spreading innovative experiences, keeping an open dialogue and important partnership with schools, teachers, the community, family, youths and corporations.
We managed to achieve our goal, despite the covid-19 pandemic, and now we want so much more.
So far, we have achieved substantial results, having impacted over 12,000 children and youths directly, and 48,000 adults and family members indirectly!