Pró Youth

The program for youths was created in 2010 and, over the years, we’ve learned a lot from our relationship with them. It’s a one-year program, split into two modules, designed for high school students.

Pró Jovens

Module 1 is aimed at developing each youth’s individual formation through actions that are focused on their project of life, self-knowledge and group formation. Over the course of one semester, youths are invited to go through a self-reflection process during activities encompassing reading, popular culture games and cooperative games. Those fields of knowledge help us structure propositions where the youths take a deep dive into themselves, while developing important skills for a life in a diverse group.

Knowing “who I am”, “what my dreams are”, “what my fears and challenges are”, “what my key strengths are” are some of the questions the program helps unveil as the youths take the challenge to engage in a group in search of self-knowledge, as individuals who have rights. A profound and intensive work that involves unveiling inner layers which were unknown.

Pró Jovens

In M2, we broaden our focus with the purpose to prepare them for the job market, with the program to form Young Multipliers of Read & Play.
This module offers Pró Read & Play methodology to form youths to multiply the practice of playing and reading in other spaces and schools. The youths enrolled explore child’s books and games in an immersion process aimed at increasing their repertoire. So, over the course of one semester, they will be ready to start a career in Education if they so wish.

Pró Youth numbers:

children directly impacted by each of the youths formed in Pró Youth’s M2
of average attendance in the classes of 2022
Over 300
youths formed
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